General Dentistry

Dental health is an important part of your general health. Whatever your age, you can and should have healthy teeth. Correct dental care can help you keep your teeth healthy for a lifetime. The best way to look after your teeth is to have regular check-up and cleanings every six months with the dentist. This helps to avoid major dental treatments by finding and preventing problems before they progress. Brushing, flossing, mouth rinses and diet are also an important aspect of having a healthy mouth.


Which is better – a manual toothbrush or an electric toothbrush?

How do I get rid of bad breath?

Bad breath, also know as halitosis, is caused by poor oral hygiene and/or oral health. Routine professional dental cleanings, effective brushing, flossing and tongue cleaning can help eliminate unpleasant mouth odour. If it is established that bad breath is not dentally related, then a physician's consultation may be necessary to rule out sinus issues, stomach related problems, consumption of certain types of food and medications or other systemic issues.