Root Canal Treatment (RCT)

Root canal treatment is the removal of the tooth's pulp, a small, thread-like tissue in the center of the tooth. There are two main reasons why root canal treatment is needed. There are two main reasons why root canal treatment is needed. The first is infection. An untreated cavity is a common cause of pulp infection. The pulp that can't be fixed is the second reason for a root canal treatment. A fracture in a tooth can also damage the pulp.


What is a root canal and why do I need root canal treatment?

Is root canal treatment painful?

Today, getting root canal treatment is often no more uncomfortable than having a filling. In fact, root canal treatment doesn't cause pain but actually relieves it. Advances have made the treatment a virtually pain-free experience, many times accomplished in a single visit. With modern techniques and anesthetics, the vast majority of patients report that they are comfortable during the procedure.

Would extraction( removal of the tooth) be a better alternative than root canal treatment?

The most important benefit of root canal therapy is that you keep your tooth. Extraction may lead to other dental problems. For instance, drifting of teeth, bite problems, TMJ discomfort, and the need to treat adjacent teeth that do not otherwise need dental treatment in order to restore the missing tooth. No matter how effective modern tooth replacements are - and they can be very effective - nothing is a good as your natural tooth

Do RCT require multiple visits?

No. RCT involves 3 basic steps – access, cleaning & shaping, and filling. With advanced automated instrumentation (using endomotor) RCT can be completed in 1-3 visits. However, in few situations like abscess etc. RCT may need more visits.